LED eradicates Head to Toe PAINS of Pathogens Toxins Obstructions
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Scalp -check for lumps, abrasions  & cysts causing sensitivity.

Ear noise or ringing - tinnitus can be buzzing hissing sound; check for pathogens toxins such as bacteria and metals and check need for aspirin.

Earache -check remove pathogens, cover ears

Headache or Migraine - check remove pathogens toxins, are you dehydrated.

Eye -check remove pathogens toxins and no pets in house

Tooth - check remove pathogens toxins

Throat - check remove pathogens toxins; consider gargle warm salt water

Temporal Mandibular Joint(TMJ) -check remove pathogens & any tooth infection

Neck-Front -check remove pathogens toxins

Neck-Back -check remove pathogens toxins look for tooth liver infections

Finger -check for acid levels, check obstructions of kidney

Thumb or Hand -check remove pathogens, consider kidney and/or liver cleanse

Wrist -check remove pathogens toxins

Elbow -check remove pathogens, consider liver cleanse

Upper Arm -check remove pathogens, consider liver cleanse

Chest -check remove pathogens toxins, consider liver cleanse

Heart -check remove pathogens toxins, consider liver cleanse

Breast Lump -check remove pathogens toxins, consider liver cleanse

Breast Sensitivity -too high estrogen levels, check food intake, check remove pathogens toxins

Breathing Group

Asthma -check remove pathogens toxins; avoid pets

Bronchitis -check remove pathogens toxins

Croup -check remove pathogens toxins; located below bronchioles

Chronic Cough -check remove pathogens

Hiatal Hernia -check remove pathogens bacterias from diaphragm to upper-stomach; eliminate before bedtime, avoid eating after dinner

Stomach Ulcer -check remove pathogens toxins avoiding bacteria parasites

Middle Abdomen -check remove pathogens toxins

Side of Body -check remove pathogens toxins, consider liver cleanse

Prostate -check remove pathogens toxins such as nickel

Infertility -check remove pathogens toxins especially bacteria & metals.

Uterus -check remove pathogens toxins especially parasites, solvents

Endometriosis -check remove pathogens and help fallopian tubes fertility

Contraception -check health food stores for birth control alternatives

Cervix -check remove pathogens toxins as bacterias or metals

Menopause -no PMS or related anxiety after menopause. check remove pathogens & toxins.

Hot Flash PMS -after menopause, no anxiety,PMS or hot flashes. check remove any pathogens toxins

Interstitial Cystitis -bladder pain from pathogens toxins

Center Abdomen -can be bladder,bowel or uterus. check remove pathogens toxins

Crohn's -check remove pathogens toxins especially parasites and solvents

Colon Spastic -check remove pathogens toxins, consider liver cleanse

Irritable Bowel Syndrome -check remove pathogens toxins, boil diary foods

Colitis -check remove pathogens toxins; stop eating roughage causing attack

Urinary Tract -check remove pathogens toxins, consider kidney cleanse

Appendicitis -check remove pathogens as necessary if using other method

Stomach -check remove pathogens, consider liver cleanse,

Lower Abdomen -check remove pathogens, may incur colon diarrhea

Lower Back -an relief of disc spine if adjustment,consider kidney cleanse

Groin -lymph nodes need check remove pathogens toxins, consider cleanses

Hip -check remove pathogens toxins, consider kidney cleanse

Thigh -sciatic nerve adjustment, remove pathogens toxins, consider cleanses

Joint -check remove pathogens toxins

Osteo Arthritis -check remove pathogens toxins as bacterias, check body pH, consider cleanses

Rheumatoid Arthritis -check remove pathogens toxins as parasites, look for inflammation swelling, consider cleanses, adjust diet

Fibromyalgia -check remove pathogens toxins as bacteria & parasites

Fibromyositis -check remove pathogens toxins as bacteria & parasites

Leg -check remove pathogens toxins, consider cleanses, adjust diet

Heel -check remove pathogens toxins, check acid deposits, alkaline body ph, consider kidney cleanse, drink water

Foot -check remove pathogens toxins, consider cleanses, changes shoes, check body ph to 7.0

Toe -check acid levels, check remove pathogens toxins, consider cleanses, check body ph to 7.0, it may need alkalined.

Check with your doctor about any of your conditions for guidance.