LED compares Rife, Zapper & Radionics Costs, Method & Effect
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Rife device  was developed before 1935.  It is electro-magnetic treatment.  The unit has hand helds or bands.  They connect
to hands or skin's wrist/ankle.  Unit outputs are1 to 21,000 Hz.  They use 9 to 12 volts from DC battery.  It costs less than $100 to
build for electronics person.  The commercial units sell for $750 to $2000. There is no proof they work on any virus, parasites,
tapeworms or mold toxin, chemcial toxin or free metal toxins. They may work on some bacteria.

Each treatment is 4 to 7 minutes session, a 3 to 5 minute stop and three sessions.  It takes 36 minutes per day for up to 365 per year. 
The units are reported effective with early stages of some pathogens and few toxins. They do not pretreat obstructions.  There are no
reported side effects nor would it be expected.

They can not completely eliminate the complex pathogens, toxins or late stage simple pathogens as our testing has shown. The
FDA has not approved units.  If they can eliminate pathogens in early stage, they are very useful and  preferred over oral (side affects) drugs. 
There is no testing offered with unit.  They have no method on a cost basis to determine their progressive effectiveness after every  use.

Zapper device was developed in 1990's.  It is a electro-magnetic treatment.  This unit uses copper pipe hand helds to connect to hands.
Unit outputs are 37,000 Hz.  It uses 9 volts from DC battery.  It costs about $30 to build for do-it-yourself person.  The commercial units sell
for $99 to $129.
There is no proof they ever work on any virus, parasites, tapeworms or mold toxin, chemcial toxin or free metal toxins.
They may work on some bacteria.

Each treatment is 7 minutes session, a 3 minute stop and three treatment sessions.  It is 30 minutes per day for 1 to 30 day periods.

The units are reported effective with early stage of some pathogens and few toxins but we doubt their usefulness.  They do not pretreat obstructions. 
The FDA has not approved units.  The first developer's units cannot treat advanced stage pathogens effectively as they stated.
This unit has no testing capability.

Radionics devices were developed before 1798. Edgar Cayce was well known user and reportedly restored many persons.  These units
use your hair or blood sample as specimen to identify you.  It uses no hand helds or wrist connections.  Unit outputs vary in Hz power. 
It uses a 9 volt DC battery.  The commercial unit cost $2,000 to $4,000.  It requires months or years practicing  to use a pendlum or
 stick pad, to locate only pre-calibrated pathogen of your body and to time to learn methods of treatment with unit.

Each pathogen test may take 1 to 10 minutes until experience shortens time.  Radionics is limited to device's pre-calibrated pathogens.
 It does not include all pathogens, toxins or obstructions. 
The units may be effective in testing and treating but only limited pre-calibrated pathogens. 
The FDA has not approved units.

The drawback is the operator must be very good in using a pendulum or stick pad.  It is required to identify any pathogen.  The pathogen
must be pre-calibrated in radionics unit.  Any pathogens, toxins or obstructions not pre-calibrated, cannot be found nor can they be treated.
 It has the most potential, once all pathogens, toxins and obstructions are pre-calibrated and operator is experienced. The possibility of finding
all pathogens, toxins and obstructions to precalibrate is too difficult to predict at this point.

TENS similarity but different use application
These Rife, Zapper and Radionic devices are similar to a physical therapy TENS device.   They each output very low DC 9-12 volt battery power,
very low amps and low frequency.

If the FDA approves a TENS device for physical therapy treatment, why have they not approved Rife, Zapper and Radionic type devices.  These
devices may kill some pathogens and toxins.  Ask yourself, why has FDA not approved these same type devices? Are devices too effective at killing
pathogens and toxins.  It is merely a reflection of what others have mentioned to us.  Should we have access to every useful device as long as it is
not harmful to us? However, these devices have limitations and some service providers are stating devices can kill cancer and we have not seen any
cases of these devices to date.

There is no discussion of Standard or High Dose Chemotherapy as national publications have stated the high toxic affects of each treatment.

There is no discussion of Radiation as there are published articles and it is considered toxic.
If you have other treatments or testing methods of interest, please email us.