9 US Supreme Court Justices Health Condition-12/12/2000 9pm est
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Back Row (left to right):      Ginsburg, Souter, Thomas, Breyer 
Front Row (left to right):
  Scalia, Stevens, Rehnquist, O'Connor, Kennedy 

9 US Supreme Court Justices
Name       age    Appt             date     reappt chief     date   NLE  P/T/O  P  date  O ap-h  ap-n  SC/LC/BEK/diamag
Rehnquist   76  Nixon          1/7/72      Reagan        9/26/86
Stevens      80  Ford            12/17/75
O'Connor    70  Reagan        9/25/81
Scalia        64  Reagan        9/26/86
Kennedy    64  Reagan       2/18/88
Scouter     61   Bush          10/9/90
Thomas     52   Bush          10/25/91
Ginsburg    67  Clinton        8/10/93
Breyer       62   Clinton        8/9/94

Best Health Ranking                                                          587  -/-/1    -   -   -       ND-587 -   -     x/-/-/5%
#2                                                                                    767 -/-/1   ND-767        - -  -     -   -      x/-/-/5%
#3                                                                                    861 -/-/1   -    -   -        ND-861 -   -      x/-/-/5%
#4                                                                                  1276 -/-/1   -   -    -        ND-1276-  -       x/-/-/5%
#5                                                                                  1467 1/-/2  ND1455 9/99 2 -2 -10(-12)    x/x/x/5%
#6                                                                                  2798 1/-/-   ND2798 8/00 -   -   -            x/x/-/5%
#7                                                                                  3997 1/-/-   ND3997 10/97 - -   -            x/x/-/5%
#8                                                                                  4226 2/-/2   P 2234  9/93 2 -13 -9(-22)   x/x/x/5%
                                                                                                      ND1970 8/98
#9                                                                                  4896 1/-/1  P4094  12/98 ND802 11/00  x/-/-/0%
The health condition of several is very serious especially over 1000k.  Further comments are restricted to justices.

The NLE negative life energy is measurement of ones overall health.
The P/T/O are pathogens, toxins or obstructions per person and very specific.
If pathogen, it may be listed or ND (new discovery) from custom READING and its negative life energy to its total.
The date by month and year is time of body recognition of disease.  All justices have no toxins on 12/12/2000.
The obstructions can be kidney stones, gall stones or crystals, mis. including artery plaque of four heart arteries or
two neck arteries.  It may be miscellaneous or new discovery.  If artery plaque, it is the negative portion of health.
Any plaque rated over 10 is serious.   It may lead to stroke, heart attack or fatal heart attack condition in near future.

The non-evasive remedies to return each to perfect zero health are first self remedy, liver cleanse, supplements to remove
effects of artery plaque in heart and/or neck and 5% diamagnetic fluids in body.

Normal health requires 5% diamagnetics and anyone with less than five percent is unprotected from invasion of
new pathogens to brain as found in parkinson, alzheimer, encephalitis or other brain dysfunction cases.

#1 The -10.876% NLE represents best health of 9 justices. There is no pathogen, no toxin and 1 obstruction. The
obstruction is not (kidney stones,  gallstones, its crystals or any artery plaque) but one miscellaneous-New Discovery
 with negative -10.876% acquired 10/11/2000. Remedies LED would want are self remedy, no liver cleanse, no supplements
and has 5% diamagnetics to return to zero.

#2 The -14.211% NLE is second best. There is no pathogen, no toxin and 1 obstruction. The obstruction is not (kidney stones, 
gallstones, its crystals or any artery plaque) but one miscellaneous-New Discovery #2 with negative -14.211% acquired 12/01/2000.
 Remedies LED would want are self remedy, no liver cleanse, no supplements and has 5% diamagnetics to return to zero.

#3 The -15.953% NLE is third best. There is no pathogen, no toxin and 1 obstruction. The obstruction is not (kidney stones,
 gallstones, its crystals or any artery plaque) but one miscellaneous-New Discovery #3 with negative -15.963% acquired 11/01/2000.
 Remedies LED would want are self remedy, no liver cleanse, no supplements and has 5% diamagnetics to return to zero.

#4 The -23.642% NLE is fourth best. There is no pathogen, no toxin and 1 obstruction. The obstruction is not (kidney stones, 
gallstones, its crystals or any artery plaque) but one miscellaneous-New Discovery #4 with negative -23.642% acquired 9/09/2000.
Remedies LED would want are self remedy, no liver cleanse, no supplements and has 5% diamagnetics to return to zero.

#5 The -27.181% NLE is fifth best. There is one pathogen, no toxin and 2 obstructions. The pathogen is New Discovery #5 with
negative -26.959% acquired 9/10/99.  The two obstructions are not (kidney stones,  gallstones or its crystals) but are  mis. artery
plaque-heart -.037% (18% in 4 arteries) and mis. artery plaque-neck-.185% (12%in 2 arteries) equals -.222%. Remedies LED would want
are self remedies, liver cleanse, 2 days supplements plus 4 days double supplements and has 5% diamagnetics to return to zero.
This will clear the plaque, reverse the elevated blood pressure and improve circulation.

#6 The -51.843% NLE is fourth worst. There is one serious pathogen, no toxins and no obstructions. The pathogen is New
Discovery #6 with negative -51.843% acquired 8/03/2000 and very high in short time. Remedies LED would want are self remedy very soon,
no liver cleanse, no supplements and has 5% diamagnetics to return to zero. The illness is defined to person but they are unaware of how to remedy it.

#7 The -74.059% NLE is third worst. There is one pathogen, no toxins and no obstruction. The pathogen is New Discovery #7
with negative -74.059% acquired 10/10/97 and very high for long time. Remedies LED would want are self remedy, no liver cleanse,
no supplements and has 5% diamagnetics to return to zero. The illness is defined to person but they are unaware of how to remedy it.

#8 The -78.302% NLE is second worst. There are two pathogens, no toxins and two obstructions. The two pathogens are one parasite
 with negative -41.393% acquired 9/11/93, a New Discovery #8 with negative -36.501% acquired 8/12/98 or -77.895% and two obstructions
artery plaque-heart -.24% (140% in 4 arteries) plus artery plaque-neck -.166% (7% in 2 arteries) -.407% total. Remedies LED would want are
self remedies, liver cleanse, 17 days supplements and has 5% diamagnetics to return to zero.
The illness is defined to person but they are
 unaware of how to cure it and blood pressure in dangerous stage.

#9 The -90.717% NLE is worst. There is one pathogen, no toxins and one obstruction. The pathogen is parasite New Discovery #9
with negative -75.856% acquired 12/09/98 and one mis. New discovery #10 with negative -14.860% acquired 11/11/2000.
 Remedies LED would want are self remedy, no liver cleanse, no supplements and has 0% diamagnetics so need rehydrated with 10 gallons
of natural pure diamagnetic water in 34 days to return to zero and protect brain.

The illness is defined to person but they are unaware of how to remedy it.