HEART DISEASE after Surgery needs LED READ for Positive Success
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LED discovered safe supplements to remove Heart-Artery Plaque effects and it did for me.  It can prevent strokes and heart attacks. 
The supplements worked on a colleague's 84 year old mother.  She had prior open heart surgery and valve replaced. She had 89.5%+
43.4%+ 4.3%+ 3.0% or 140.2% Heart-Artery Plaque in 4 arteries.  It was 20.5 OxidizedCholestrol (OC) on my scale before two-way bypass surgery. 
Supplements subsequently reduced her plaque to (0) zero OC in 30 days.

Heart By-Pass surgery may be needed but does not eliminate plaque blockage or Heart Disease but reduces obstruction effects while
LIFE ENERGY, Self Cures, Cleanses and Supplements has removed artery plaque in 4 step method and normalizes or lowers blood pressure.

Heart Arteries (Stroke, Heart Attack, Fatal Heart Attack Levels)
The supplement products are inexpensive & available based on your interest. You may need up to 30 days of supplements after
doing READING, Self Cures and Cleanses based on artery blockage. They differ slighty for 4 heart vs 2 neck arteries. HERE IS WHY.

If plaque blockage in 4 arteries reaches (136%) or 19.9 Oxidized Cholestrol (OC), you can suffer a stroke.  If 4 artery plaque blockage
reaches (147%) or 21.5 OC, you can suffer a heart attack.  If 4 artery plaque blockage reaches (157%) or 23.0 O.C.(Oxided Cholesterol),
you can have a fatal stroke or heart attack. These numbers are consistent in all other cases tested.   Its your life choice, READINGS do not
lie but people can die so remember how refined our number percents.
Others use tests which are just estimates and estimates are inaccurate. 
Each of our READs detail provides us your exact condition and makes your decision easier.

Neck Arteries(Stroke, Heart Attack, Fatal Heart Attack Levels Lower)
In 1998 or 18 months ago, a colleague's 85 yr old mother stopped her walking exercise and developed high Neck-Artery Plaque.  Her
 December 1999-Doppler x-rays READING by us showed 76.2% blockage on right neck and 55.3% on left neck artery or 131.5%. Protocol rated
measurement at 14.1 OC on our scale. Laboratory could only estimate percent.  A 15.0 OC is stroke (140%), 16.0 OC is heart attack (149%)
and16.1 OC is fatal (150%) stroke heart attack level. REMEMBER THESE

Surgery Confirmation of READING (Blockage and our OC Scale)
Her surgery confirmed 1.6 inches artery plaque (76.2%) blockage in Right Neck Artery which was removed.  However, the 0.3 inch artery plaque
 blockage (55.3%) was still in left-side neck artery. Her 14.1 OC scale dropped to 4.0 after surgery on Right Neck Artery.  Surgery confirmed and
verified our scale READING and exact measurements of 1.6inches precisely.

Three days after surgery, she elected to use supplements for 15 days to eliminate her left side artery plaque blockage.  After 15 days, her 4.0 OC dropped to 0.
Prior to surgery, her blood pressure was 190/91 with 85 heart rate.  Two days after surgery, blood pressure was 140/73 with 72 heart rate.  During two weeks,
blood pressure dropped to 120/63 with 67 heart rate. On 15th day, when OC measurement dropped to 0, her blood pressure dropped to 96/48 with
72 heart rate. It confirmed the scale measurement again and unblocked artery.

The doctor had to reduce her medication three times and finally discontinue Norvasc.  Blood pressure is now 115/63 with 64 to 72 heart rate
with second Doppler showing no need for surgery on left side neck and confirming our tests.

Conclusion-Heart Neck Artery Plaque Disease
It appears cardiovascular walking should never stop for heart patient with artery blockage.  If walking stops,  Neck Arteries need monitored for any
eventual blood pressure risk, to prevent stroke or heart attack level artery blockage.

You may insist on surgery correction IF Neck Artery blockage reaches 55%+ on any sideof neck and you do not want to wait 15 to 30 days to take
supplements. Vascular and Heart Surgeons use 70% artery blockage as surgical guide for Neck or Heart Arteries. Protocol scale READING reveals 55% blockage
 for Neck Arteries is the critical surgical point not the 70% in Heart Arteries.  Supplements take 15 to 30 days for any high 55-70% blockage.  Look at above
number and make your own decision. Better yet, get READING early, do not wait and avoid any surgery.

Heart Disease- David Letterman, Bill Bradley,George Bush, Richard Cheney

Four recent Famous persons revealed their Heart Disease condition.
TV comedian David Letterman had triple by-pass surgery. READING of his photo (specimen) before and after his surgery.  Mr Letterman needs LED
protocol to enhance his surgery for lasting results by eliminating all Pathogens, Toxins and Obstructions.

Former US Senator Presidential Candidate Bill Bradley has not had any surgery. READING of his photo (specimen).  Mr Bradley can use LED so surgery
will not be deemed necessary in near future.  In one day, his present Heart Disease condition can be eliminated, his blood pressure and heart rate
restored within days as shown in "Memorial Day" case on main page.

Former President George Bush has not had any surgery.  READING of his photo (specimen) on 2/25/2000.  Pr George Bush can use LED as hospital
ordinary tests do not reveal condition.  In one to five days, his principle causes of Heart Disease condition could be eliminated, his blood pressure and
heart rate restored to normal and confirmed same day.  If protocol had this condition, protocol would use self cures for any B flu virus, pathogens, toxins and follow with
 cleanses before any serious exercise or parachuting.

Vice President elect Richard Cheney had stint implanted for precaution for a blocked artery.  READING his photo (specimen) on 7/25/2000, 11/22/2000
& 11/27/2000.  VP Cheney needs LED as hospital tests reduced his blockage only about 20%.  In one day, his principle cause of Heart Disease condition
can be eliminated, his blood pressure and heart rate restored to normal and confirmed.  If protocol had this condition, protocol would use self cures to eradicate any pathogens,
toxins or obstructions, do an overnight liver cleanse, take required anti-oxidant supplements for 7 or 8 days and drink natural pure diamagnetic water over
32 days to perfect my health indefinitely. Otherwise, you face continuing unnecessary arithmic heart conditions from any added stress on any job even VP or Pr.

Again 3/6/01, READING of VP photo (specimen) for 3/4/2001 at 1pm and 3/6/2001 at 10:30 am.  VP Cheney had increase in negative life energy and increase
 in two obstructions.  The artery plaque level was reduced on our scale 50% but overall plaque was only reduced from 93% to 84% in 4 major arteries.  This will
recur again and again until, self cures, liver cleanse and supplements are utilitized.  Each must be done in proper order to effectively eliminate overall heart obstruction.

Update 6/29/01, the negative effects of disease have increased 50% since 3/6/01 and artery plaque increased 20%.  Protocols have the exact numbers but they are confidential
to family only. We warned this would recur again and again on 7/25/00, 11/27/2000 and 3/6/2001.  This extraordinary man needs same protocols  use with exact
condition, it is nonevasive testing, self cure, liver cleanse, vitamin supplement protocols and diamagnetic nature pure water. Thank you.